Hi everyone,

Here’s a brief outline of my experience at AWP (Association of Writing Programs) last week. It was wonderful. The support, encouragement, and inspiration I received will not surprise any of you. We all know the power of writing communities.

Sessions: There were many sessions on the challenges of writing/publishing held every 90 minutes. I attended 4/day on Thurs/Fri but only 3 on Sat so I could connect with more venders. Most people only attended 2-3/day because it was too overwhelming. I enjoyed them all.

  • Small and Mighty Indie Presses

  • The slow essayist

  • First books, what I wish I would have known

  • Mental Health and Writing

  • How to be your own agent

  • Women Writers 60+ and beyond

  • Play nice: How to get along in the Publishing World

  • When We River IN-NA-PO Poets and Hydro-Poetics

  • Beyond Gay and Bi: Creating Diversity in Queer Characters

  • Transcending trauma and making it real, not harsh

  • A Book is Never Too Late

The Keynote was Jericho Brown, Pulitzer Prize winning poet. Very powerful

The rows of venders went on and on forever. It was overwhelming. I was impressed with the support I felt from the following indie publishers:

Autumn House Press


Cornerstone Press

Flexible Press (they require a portion of book royalties to go to a non-profit)

Frayed Edge Press


Red Hen

Split Lip Press


Vine Leaves Press

Madville Press

There were many more indie presses that I was not able to connect with.

It’s in Los Angeles next year so I will not be going but I highly recommend the conference if you can make the trip.

Write on Door County was there and Jerod Santek won a Life Time Achievement Award!


I was wrong.


Reflections on my Mortality…