To consider…

Peel Away the layers of your own biases. Read Vine Leaves Press SPILL IT!

Justin Grinnell’s SPILL IT! Column addresses an issue I believe many publishers would prefer to avoid. Grinnell argues many publishers/agents tend to avoid "literary works...[that explore] human existence: anxiety, isolation, death, freedom, and meaninglessness." They tend to only grab sociocultural click bait. As I read Grinnell's article, I caught myself supporting the biased system that Grinnell examines.

Ironically, I started by skimming Grinnell's article, trying to just grab "click bait," but Grinnell's perspective slowed me down. Instead of grabbing a few catch phrases, I took my time and reflected on his message. A process many of us (including me) have all but abandoned since information overload and polarization has swept us into deep caverns that limits our perspectives.

Grinnell argues literary works that address human existence are being pushed aside at a time when these "perspectives could make us less reactive. Taking a broader perspective often breeds pro-social qualities, like compassion and forgiveness. At best, it might promote understanding, not judgment, and lead to reconciliation, not cancellation." This article swept me back (farther back that I want to disclose) to my college days before our society was as polarized. A time when my friends and I discussed literary works that explored our humanity and our mortality. Instead of polarizing us, publishing more literary works focused on universal themes would invite us to view our lives from a more universal perspective. A perspective that would help to unite us all.


Chaos becomes beauty…


Gives Peas a Chance…